Click, Clack, Crack: The Sound of Tech Taking Its Bodily Toll with Bryan Brunelle
This episode, we’re getting physical – literally. We’re talking about how our digital lives are impacting our bodies, from the tips of our typing fingers to the aching depths of our lower backs. Joining me is the brilliant Bryan Brunelle, a Doctor of Physical Therapy and our very own Discord community mod!
![Fear and [Self] Loathing in November • The NaNoWriMo Story](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/625f0319cf0a60116a8a52d9/5e661963-35de-420f-8f76-a4e90a1614aa/Placeholder+12+Hero.jpg)
Fear and [Self] Loathing in November • The NaNoWriMo Story
We did it. We made it through November. In this episode, I thought I’d take a little time to talk about a bit of the tech and a lot of the feelings that can stifle the journey to rediscover our own greatness.

Placeholder 10: Unboxing Potential: Nikki’s Sketchy Awakening to the Apple Pencil
It’s been sitting on her shelf for two years, but today, we tear the shrink-wrap. Nikki Kinzer unboxes her dusty Apple Pencil 2 and puts it to work on her iPad for the very first time.

Of Mice and Machines • Exploring AiDHD
Oh, hi! It's Pete. From the Podcast. This month I'm talking about the AI wave and how you might just be able to use this new batch of tools to reduce friction, save time, and not fret so much about the end of the world. Should be fun!

We Sit In Judgement of Ourselves From the Future
An exploration of the practice of journaling for those who need to find their way in.

Placeholder 07: How to Live a Thousand Lives Before You Die
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” That's George R.R. Martin. He's not involved in this podcast beyond having a mic-drop quote on this week's subject: Learning to Read with Tech.

Placeholder 06: Sick Tech
Pete's back from a dip into illness and brings reports of the tools and tech he uses to track his stats, meds, and more.

Placeholder 05: Building the Refined Spidey-Sense
Information security expert Trent Adams is here to talk about staying safe online, plus a healthy dose of history that explains how we got where we are with our privacy, identity, and security online. Also, he answers whether Google is listening to my mother.

Placeholder 04: Making Bright the Circumference of Darkness
This is the first of what is likely to be a lot of talk about the tools we use to manage our thinking, and the research that lies behind it.

Placeholder 03: The Overestimation Contagion
A digression into the quotes of billionaire industrialists in an effort to accomplish more by doing less with Bento creator Francesco D'Alessio.

Placeholder 02: Signal, Noise, and Four Thousand Weeks
We’re talking about inboxes this week with thoughts on how we filter the signal from the noise, and we’re doing it through the lens of Oliver Burkeman’s book, “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management For Mortals.”

Placeholder 01: Jurassic Park and the Vampire Project
Here we are. Episode one of our new podcast. This week, we're talking about how we capture ideas, how we make room for new things in our lives, and how we make sure the things we really want to do have air to grow and flourish, while the things we don't are allowed to evaporate.