201: ADHD and Creating a Lifestyle to Crush your Tolerations!
ADHD Productivity, ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright ADHD Productivity, ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright

201: ADHD and Creating a Lifestyle to Crush your Tolerations!

It’s been nearly 100 episodes since we last talked tolerations, and we have (ahem) a lot to report. This week, we’re taking a step back to look at the impact of ADHD noise on our tolerations. We look at the positive emotional and creative impacts of building a lifestyle in which we acknowledge, cultivate, and complete our tolerations.

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194: Facing Down your Negative Situations
ADHD Emotions, ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright ADHD Emotions, ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright

194: Facing Down your Negative Situations

On the heels of Nikki’s imploding computer comes a conversation about facing up to — and then facing down — those negative situations that crop up in our lives. From finding the awareness to accept the reality of the situation to mustering the confidence to let it go when it’s time to move on, we share tips and strategies for finding meaningful support in our lives when we need it. 

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