Don’t Snooze On Your Relationships!
"I meant to text you back, but I forgot!"
Sound familiar?
Of course! We've all been there—you receive a text message or a DM on social media, you read it, intend to reply, but you don't have the time at the moment, so you think, “I'll get back to them later”. Before you know it, it's been 2 weeks, and you only just remembered because you bumped into the person in the grocery store and seeing their face instantly reminded that you never went back to respond to their message.
This is certainly a common thing for ADHDers, as well. You are not alone.
While many friends and loved ones can certainly ‘forgive and forget’ something like this happening once in a while, when it starts to become a constant pattern, you may find those same friends or extended family reaching out less and less.
Self-Care Goes Beyond Y-O-U
Maintaining healthy relationships with others should be a regular part of your self-care routine.
Having the genuine connection of friends and family can go a long way to building a healthy balance in your life. In fact, these relationships can go a long way to help maintain a healthy life, period.
In an article from the Mayo Clinic called, Friendships: Enrich Your Life and Improve Your Health, they describe different ways that good relationships can benefit your health including:
Lower stress
Boost feelings of self-confidence
Lowered risk of depression
Lowered risk of high blood pressure or unhealthy weight
Did you know your close friends and family could do so much to help you care for YOU?
Make Time for What Matters
I understand that it can be hard work to maintain close friendships and relationships. Life never seems to stop. Many of us are constantly busy and on the move, thinking about what we need to do next.
But, if we don't prioritize our relationships, and set time aside to stop and connect with others now, we may find it harder to reconnect later down the road.
Now it's your turn
Is there a friend or relative you haven't spoken to in a while? Why not try sending them a message and say hello. Check in and ask how they've been. Do your part today to maintain those healthy relationships!
Don't snooze on your relationships!
Thank you for your time and attention,