It’s Not About the Destination: Finding Joy in the Journey & Celebrating Progress over Perfection
If you are always rushing toward the finish line, you may just miss out on a few things along the way.
Stop Spinning Your Wheels! Create Realistic Expectations to Help Manage Your ADHD
Stop trying so hard and instead, discover the secret to giving yourself a break, but still getting things done.
The Due Date Dilemma
You’re in for a special treat! This post was submitted by The ADHD Podcast’s very own, Pete Wright! Pete shares how a new feature, offered through the Todoist task management platform, may solve a big roadblock in your everyday workflow.
Top 4 Strategies for ADHD-Friendly Holiday Planning
Remove the stress this holiday season with these 4 ADHD-friendly planning strategies.
Tame Your Time
It can be hard to see the day through the tasks when you're in the midst of overwhelm. But, it may not be as hard as you think to Take back Control of your day!