294: Retraceable, Repeatable, Resilient — Building Systems for ADHD
We’re picking up right where we left off last week today as we dig even deeper into systems! What is it that makes a great system and how do you really craft a system that is repeatable, retraceable, and resilient to the challenges of the ADHD brain? From laundry challenges to checklists to alarms, we’re teaching how to build systems that can’t be beat!

293: Designing Impactful Systems for ADHD with Marina Darlow
This week on the show, systems expert Marina Darlow joins us to talk about creating great systems, systems that are simple, resilient, powerful, and even fun!

275: Quick and Easy Strategies to Sharpen your Memory at Work
Do you ever feel like you’re forgetting something? You’re not alone. In fact, if you’re struggling with ADHD and executive functioning challenges, you’ve probably conditioned yourself to live in a constant state of anxiety around forgetfulness. But you can get on the road to repair, and it’s likely easier than you imagine. With quick and easy tools to help you catalog the things you need to remember, you can build a trusted system that supports you day to day, year to year. This isn’t about fixing your memory. It’s about fixing the systems to support your work so you can embrace the memory you have!

264: Use Small Habits To Increase Your Productivity
Want to get better at scheduling? Do it every day. Want to finish more things more frequently? Make a plan to work on one of them every day. Want to get fit? You guessed it … start just one thing you can do for your health, and do it every day. Such is the power of small habits in our health and productivity, and that’s what we’re talking about today.

246: Building Structure around New Habits
Without a reminder system you can trust, building habits will be nothing more than an exercise in frustration. So settle in and get ready — we’re talking about visual cues, technology, buzzers and bings this week, in addition to a few great book recommendations and follow-up!

199: Vulnerability, Uncertainty, & Confusion as a Doorway to Learning
This week on the show, Pete Wright and Nikki Kinzer talk about the vulnerability required to make that leap forward in your life, and how important it is to reframe confusion as a positive, a doorway to learning.

189: Seeking Clarity
This year, we’re making our January one of reflection. This week on the show, we share our strategy for building reflective and concrete structures around our new year, and how we’re turning our resolutions into plans that will support us all year long. Join us!

177: Getting the Most Out of Your Day
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright take on time management in the face of overwhelm and distraction, and the boundaries you can set to make each day shine!

161: Building Routines and Structure
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about routines and building structure into your day, and share insights on maintaining your time by learning to speak truth to power!