433: Routines: When nothing's routine... and everything is!
We're all living day-to-day, week-to-week now. The distant future is out of our control. We know things are changing around us, the world is moving forward fluidly, and we know transition is always on the horizon... we just don't know when.

399: The Meal-Planning Episode!
One of the most important routines to build: how do you work smart, efficient, and healthy food into your life with ADHD? Don't worry, you have all the skills. This week, Nikki and Pete help you put them to use where it counts!

371: Designing Your Life
The nature of the new year gives us the opportunity to reflect on change. Are you setting resolutions that put an unhealthy focus on what you're not able to accomplish? Today on the show: making life design choices that focus on the good you do for yourself and your communities in the new year.

356: What we say to ourselves matters
It’s hard out there. Why do we make it harder by subconsciously practicing language that devalues us, our contributions, and our abilities?

310: Burnout!
This week’s show is inspired by a listener struggling with burnout. On the job or at home, burnout impacts us all at some point in our lives. When you’re struggling with ADHD and facing burnout, the challenge comes when all your trusted accommodations and routines fly out the window. How do you find an anchor to stay grounded and focused on the positive?

286: Living Life in The Adult Chair with Michelle Chalfant
Our guest today is Michelle Chalfant. Michelle is a speaker, therapist, author and educator and she has crafted a model for approaching the way we interact with the world that that can help you fight those voices, the limiting beliefs, and the blocks in the middle of your road.

280: Q&A with Nikki & Pete!
Happy New Year everyone! As we prepare to roll the calendar over to 2017, we’ve opened the floor to audience questions. We received a bunch and are thrilled to offer our answers this week. From scheduling while living with personal health challenges to updates on our latest technology episode, ADHD diagnoses to paperless, we’ve got you covered. Thanks to everyone who shared their questions this week!

244: Having Fun with Kirsten Milliken
Today’s show is all about fun! We’ve talked about engaging the brain before. We’ve talked about ways to manage distraction and hyper-focus. But today, we’re going all in on play as an alternative to medication for your ADHD. To help us, we’ve brought in the expert: Dr. Kirsten Milliken of PlayDHD.com.

241: Digital — Tech Tools to Support Self-Care
The essence of great self-care is rooted in building habits. And building habits, when you’re struggling with ADHD, requires help. This week on the show we present some of the digital tools that can support you in your efforts to build new self-care routines in four key areas: Sleep, Exercise, Food, and Mindfulness.

239: Getting Better Sleep with ADHD
This week on The ADHD Podcast, we’re taking on sleep with a modest suggestion of a single strategy, and what you need to do to implement this strategy toward becoming a better sleeper.

237: Self-Care — Get Moving to Supercharge your Brain!
This week on the show, we offer the 10 steps you’ll need to add supporting movement into your day, from finding the time, to leaping over the shame of inactivity, right into action. This conversation is all about letting go of your feelings about not getting out for a walk yesterday, and moving forward, little by little, today.

236: An Introduction to Self-Care and ADHD
This week on the show we’re kicking off a series on self care — from health and nutrition to sleep to medication to organization, we’re going to dig into it. So listen in today — if you’ve ever found yourself forgetting what feeling good feels like, you need to join us for this series and kick off 2016 with a celebration of you!

192: Digital — Getting Fit with Tech
This week we share digital tools for monitoring and managing our fitness and diet. From wearables that track your movement to the apps and services that help you define and achieve your health and fitness goals, listen in this week for the tools you’ll need to get started!