433: Routines: When nothing's routine... and everything is!
We're all living day-to-day, week-to-week now. The distant future is out of our control. We know things are changing around us, the world is moving forward fluidly, and we know transition is always on the horizon... we just don't know when.

432: Adjusting to a Different Normal
This week on the show, we're going to share some of those challenges faced by so many of you who have shared with our community and, more importantly, a collection of the incredible responses you offered one another in support.

398: Setting Up New Routines
From daily hygiene to writing that next report, this week on the show Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright take on the components of a great routine, and the mindset you’ll need to cultivate to make it stick.

351: Building New Routines
This week on the show we’re talking about routines… those we’ve started, those we’ve broken, and how we can work to change our definition of success in our routines so we’re not so deeply tied to the perils of consistency.

340: Getting out of Autopilot
We’re going through the motions. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. Sure, there might be more to it than just that, but how much, really? Are you stuck in the trap of routine? Are you feeling stuck? Bored? Confused?

309: Two Things You Need to Know to Make ANY Routine Successful
If you’ve been listening to the show for awhile, you know we love our routines. In the ADHD biz, routines are the gold standard for making change in your life. Running late? Better come up with a new routine! Lost your keys again? Better routine! But here’s the trick: just because routines are simple does not mean they are easy.

301: Waking Up: Start Your Day Right!
We fall back on the old saw, “I’m just not a morning person.” But, is that really the case? Or could it be that there are things you could begin doing right now that change the way you greet each day? This week on the show, we’re talking all about mornings, our routines, habits, and tools that help us get up and get going on the right foot.

298: Time Hacks To Do Right Now! (Plus introducing Organizing Time with ADHD!)
We’re all about time today, and with good reason! Today’s the day we launch Organizing Time with ADHD, Nikki’s latest online course! We walk through the intention of the course today, and just a few of the ins and outs of what you can expect. Then we offer 10 time hacks you can implement right now that will help you get a handle on your time while living with ADHD!

294: Retraceable, Repeatable, Resilient — Building Systems for ADHD
We’re picking up right where we left off last week today as we dig even deeper into systems! What is it that makes a great system and how do you really craft a system that is repeatable, retraceable, and resilient to the challenges of the ADHD brain? From laundry challenges to checklists to alarms, we’re teaching how to build systems that can’t be beat!

293: Designing Impactful Systems for ADHD with Marina Darlow
This week on the show, systems expert Marina Darlow joins us to talk about creating great systems, systems that are simple, resilient, powerful, and even fun!

264: Use Small Habits To Increase Your Productivity
Want to get better at scheduling? Do it every day. Want to finish more things more frequently? Make a plan to work on one of them every day. Want to get fit? You guessed it … start just one thing you can do for your health, and do it every day. Such is the power of small habits in our health and productivity, and that’s what we’re talking about today.

260: Master the Morning Routine
Morning—if yours are a blessed cloud of peace, goodwill, and light, you can probably skip this episode. That’s right, today’s show is for those of you who have trouble, who live for the snooze, and who can’t quite get enough of the multi-tasking in the mornings. Not sure how to train your brain and condition your spirit to get ready for the day? Do you need a new alarm strategy to get you out of bed and out the door on time? Maybe you need to give yourself permission to think about your mornings in a new way, to shake things up and approach your schedule with a fresh start! If you’re looking for help in mastering your morning routine, join us and share your experience today!

172: The Morning Routine
This week on The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share strategies for establishing your morning routine supporting your schedule and your health!

161: Building Routines and Structure
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about routines and building structure into your day, and share insights on maintaining your time by learning to speak truth to power!