2202: Move On.
"Move on,” you say to yourself. And yet, you perseverate. You left work incomplete, you let someone down, you missed a deadline… you’re feeling the burden of those losses and yet, the world continues to spin. How do you maintain composure enough to be able to say with confidence that it’s time to move on, move forward, tackle a new challenge tomorrow and free your mind from the losses of today?

414: 2019 Year-in-Review and Listener Q&A!
It’s been an amazing year around these parts. Our community is growing and we’re all the better for it. This week on the show, we’re looking back a bit with some reflections on highlights from the last year, and taking a set of questions submitted by YOU that you said you’d like to hear more about. From RSD to the ADHD job hunt to the best fidgets, we’ve got it all this week!

409: November Emotions Feedback
This week we embrace and extend the November theme of Emotion and ADHD and take on your thoughts about rejection sensitivity, emotional storms, sex, plus a bonus dose of seasonal affective disorder, to boot!