2302: The ADHD Family • Living Tips from Our Listeners
We're continuing our exploration into ADHD and families and this week we're sharing a whole batch of tips from your peers on everything from alarm systems to meal planning!

437: Quick Organizing Tips to Help You Feel Great!
This week on the show we're going back to basics as Nikki Kinzer reminds us all to do what we know, treat ourselves well, and give ourselves permission to be great no matter how the house looks!

378: Organizing with ADHD — Part 5(ish): Addressing the Paper Piles!
It’s paper day! Dealing with your paper piles requires a unique approach that is more of a cousin to the four steps we’ve been practicing thus far. First thing to note: paper organizing has no end! Once you wrap your head around that, we can get started in building a system to efficiently categorize and stay up-to-date on the paper without becoming overrun by piles!

377: Organizing with ADHD — Part 4: Maintenance
You’ve done the hard work. You’ve purged and sorted, and you’ve found a way to effectively assign spaces to your things, things to your spaces. But how do you keep those spaces and systems functioning? You turn to maintenance.

376: Organizing with ADHD — Part 3: Organizing
In part 3 of our organizing series, we’re talking about effective use of your space, how you think about space, and how you approach turning your space into a home for your things!

375: Organizing with ADHD — Part 2: Sorting and Purging
In part 2 of our organizing series we're taking on sorting and purging. How do you handle making the tough decisions that will ultimately lead you to reclaiming your space? You build some new muscles... starting today!

374: Organizing with ADHD — Part 1: Introduction and Planning
This week on the show we’re digging into our roots to talk about organizing with ADHD, kick-starting a five-week mini-series on the organizing process, and how to get organized in a way that is kind to your ADHD.

342: Spring Organizing: Setting Up For Success
We’re going back to our roots this week with a trip down organizing lane! That’s right, it’s our ANNUAL SPRING ORGANIZING episode!

324: Email is Not Precious! — and other stress-relieving axioms to save you time
Is your ADHD brain adapting to the always-open door to your life that is electronic mail? This week on the show, we’re talking about changes in lifestyle, behavior, and technology you can make to impact your relationship with email for the better!

292: Spring ADHD Organizing Spectacular!
It’s organizing week on The ADHD Podcast! Yes, you know we love to get our act together every once in awhile, and this week, we’re doing just that with our ten favorite insights around organizing with ADHD that we’ve learned or refined in the last year. Listen in and grab your bins because it’s time for Spring Organizing!

277: Introducing The Paper Solution
We're talking about the issues that come with paper clutter today, and we have a plan to help you deal with it in a new online course: The Paper Solution. It’s an ADHD-friendly organizing system and an approach to paper designed to help you clear both the physical and mental clutter that comes from out of control paper in your life

254: Listener Organizing Q&A
It’s Q & A day! From hyperfocus to distraction, information clutter to productivity at work, we power through your queries with our thoughts, strategies, and recommendations.

253: How to Get Your Family Involved With Organizing
If you share space with another person, then organizing is a team sport. From defining the purpose of shared spaces to keeping one another accountable, you can’t build new habits if you don’t have the support of those who spend their time in your proximity. This week on the show, we’re talking all about how to engage your family in supporting organizing efforts.

252: 3 Reasons Why Your Organizing Efforts Are Not Working
We all go into our organizing projects with the best of intentions. Did you just open your closet to a pile of junk falling on your head? Did you turn on the light to your attic and finally register the disaster of boxes? Did you fall into the stacks of mail and bills on the floor of your living room? Wherever you are in your home, making the connection that you have a space to be organized, and then taking action to organize it, is noble effort!

251: The Secret to Organizing with ADHD
It’s true, if you’re struggling with getting organized and you’re living with ADHD, there’s likely a key challenge holding you back. It lurks there, in the back of your mind, an invisible standard to which you will never live up. We’re taking on this subconscious demon on the show today, kicking off a series on ADHD organizing principles that will help you get on track, stay on track, and recover when you fall down.

218: Organizing Your Financial Paperwork!
You know that giant stack of bills, statements, and un-opened envelopes sitting in piles around your house? It’s time to get those under control! This week on the show, we walk through a process for getting your financial paperwork under control.

209: Avoid these 5 Organizing Mistakes!
This week on the show, we take on the five organizing mistakes that can set your organizing back, rather than keep you moving forward into a space of control and confidence!

208: Clear Clutter in a Hurry!
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about clearing the clutter in your home in a hurry with a few quick daily strategies that can help you get out of the clutter rut!

176: Organizing Your Workspace
This week on Taking Control, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright help you create an organized workspace and get your workday in control!