377: Organizing with ADHD — Part 4: Maintenance
You’ve done the hard work. You’ve purged and sorted, and you’ve found a way to effectively assign spaces to your things, things to your spaces. But how do you keep those spaces and systems functioning? You turn to maintenance.

376: Organizing with ADHD — Part 3: Organizing
In part 3 of our organizing series, we’re talking about effective use of your space, how you think about space, and how you approach turning your space into a home for your things!

375: Organizing with ADHD — Part 2: Sorting and Purging
In part 2 of our organizing series we're taking on sorting and purging. How do you handle making the tough decisions that will ultimately lead you to reclaiming your space? You build some new muscles... starting today!

374: Organizing with ADHD — Part 1: Introduction and Planning
This week on the show we’re digging into our roots to talk about organizing with ADHD, kick-starting a five-week mini-series on the organizing process, and how to get organized in a way that is kind to your ADHD.

277: Introducing The Paper Solution
We're talking about the issues that come with paper clutter today, and we have a plan to help you deal with it in a new online course: The Paper Solution. It’s an ADHD-friendly organizing system and an approach to paper designed to help you clear both the physical and mental clutter that comes from out of control paper in your life

251: The Secret to Organizing with ADHD
It’s true, if you’re struggling with getting organized and you’re living with ADHD, there’s likely a key challenge holding you back. It lurks there, in the back of your mind, an invisible standard to which you will never live up. We’re taking on this subconscious demon on the show today, kicking off a series on ADHD organizing principles that will help you get on track, stay on track, and recover when you fall down.