382: You Can't Make Me! Exploring Resistance & ADHD
That little voice in your head? The one telling you that you have no business doing what you’re doing? That’s the resistance. And you can tell it to shove off.

339: Today is a New Opportunity
We’re inspired today. Hot on the heels of a fantastic conversation with a client, Nikki has a message of hope and opportunity for change that we can each use to help us focus on the positive, the bright, the empowered. It all begins with a simple choice: Today, I have the opportunity to do something different ...

289: Inventing Value
This week on the show, we’re talking about invented value, the value we ascribe to things that is ultimately made up, but that defines our emotional approach to them all the same!

284: Digital — Surrender: A Tale of Technology Failure
This week on the show, a story of technology failure. No, it’s not the story of some tool that doesn’t work for us. It’s not the story of some new digital planner that has a bug. It’s the story of the emotional and psychological challenge that comes when one of our trusted tools breaks, and our back-up support is not available.

263: What You May Not Know About Habits and ADHD
We’ve got a couple of terrific listener recommendations for habit tracking apps to kick us off this week, with emails that inspired a habit follow-up conversation that centers on this big question: do you understand the factors that are causing you to fail to build new habits in your life? This week, we’re talking about the words in your head, persistence, and support, three things critical to your success in integrating new behaviors into your life every day.

245: Creating Positive Energy in your Life
This week on the show, we’re talking all about positive energy. Energy is contagious. Whether you’re inheriting the mood of your partner or children when they wake up sour in the morning, or catching the waves of joy from a colleague celebrating a grand accomplishment, if left unchecked, we are at the mercy of the moods and intentions of those around us.

230: Anxiety, ADHD, and the Holidays
This week we continue our discussion on ADHD and the holidays, with a conversation around anxiety, and the things that happen to us over big holidays that drive that anxiety and stress to their peak!

191: Problems vs. Possibilities
This week on The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about problems, and the work it takes to reframe them into possibilities full of hope, energy, and power!

166: Thinking Positive — Even when you don't want to
Today on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share tips and techniques for fighting negativity, even when all you want to do is hold onto it.