306: Evaluating Options — Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg’s “Option B”
ADHD Emotions, ADHD Wellness Pete Wright ADHD Emotions, ADHD Wellness Pete Wright

306: Evaluating Options — Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg’s “Option B”

Thanks to a listener email inspired by a recent book recommendation on Nikki’s newsletter, we’re revisiting a book that has been inspirational in our search for joy when confronted with hopelessness. We’re talking about Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy and using Sandberg’s journey through grief at the loss of her husband as a jumping off point for a conversation around finding hope, peace, and grace.

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290: How do you show up in your life?
ADHD Wellness Pete Wright ADHD Wellness Pete Wright

290: How do you show up in your life?

Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of places this week, yet sets the stage for an important conversation. Whether you’re living with ADHD or not, how often do you ask yourself how you show up in your life? Do you have a clear internal understanding for what it means that you are present? Do you stop to think about what you’re leaving behind? It’s these questions that build the foundation for our conversation today, but certainly not where it ends!

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