391: Talking to loved ones after your ADHD diagnosis
This week on the show, inspired by a listener request, Nikki and Pete are taking on how to talk to your loved ones after you receive your ADHD diagnosis and give you some tools you can use to frame the conversation to work toward shared understanding and growth.

370: The Year-In-Review Listener Q&A!
We called for questions and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who wrote in — We hope we did your questions justice!

369: Working with ADHDers
We received an email from just about the best boss in the world. Why? Because she asked a question that everyone living quietly with ADHD would like to hear their boss asking. In short: How can I help?

364: Accepting Your ADHD Diagnosis
That first rush of relief that you feel when you’re handed the diagnoses of ADHD is exhilarating. And that feeling lasts for about three-and-a-half seconds, right up to the moment you ask yourself, what now? James Ochoa is back to help us with this question, and grappling with our very first ADHD Storms!

348: What’s the difference between an excuse and a reason?
How can you tell the difference between a legitimate reason you’re not able to do something and an excuse that you’ve started telling to get yourself out of it? Strange as it may sound, we’ve gone to the Oxford English Dictionary for help and — spoiler — that just made things worse!

280: Q&A with Nikki & Pete!
Happy New Year everyone! As we prepare to roll the calendar over to 2017, we’ve opened the floor to audience questions. We received a bunch and are thrilled to offer our answers this week. From scheduling while living with personal health challenges to updates on our latest technology episode, ADHD diagnoses to paperless, we’ve got you covered. Thanks to everyone who shared their questions this week!

272: Do you tell? ADHD & The Workplace
We’ve spent the last few weeks touching on the challenges of ADHD in the workplace. Today, inspired by your calls and emails, we’re talking specifically about what it means to tell your employer about your ADHD. It’s not a simple equation and while being open about your ADHD-related challenges at work may seem like a great idea, but there are considerations that may impact just how public you want to be. This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about the experience of ADHD at work, the role of accommodations and your rights, and offer some guidance for determining who to trust and how to move forward and reduce stress.

270: The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown
Let’s say it right out loud: you need to hear the story of our guest today. Alan Brown is the force behind ADD Crusher™ and Crusher™TV, helping people around the world in their journey with ADHD through his proven Brain Hack strategies and inspirational interviews. But his personal journey to understanding ADHD is a moving story and a model for coming to terms with pre-diagnosis, and making the transition to a new world post-diagnosis in our conversation today.

196: The Importance of Connection
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about the importance of community and our human connections. From the perspective of being a mom with ADHD, the power of admission and awareness can go far toward releasing some of the frustration that comes with mental noise. Join us for some great resources!

179: ADHD Awareness Month — Coaching & Resources Galore
It’s ADHD Awareness Month and we’re ringing in the season with a terrific list of books, sites, groups and other resources to help you wrap your head around this pesky condition. Whether you’re new to ADHD and wrestling with your own diagnosis or that of a loved one, or been dealing with ADHD for many years, we have some great tools and texts to support your journey. This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share their favorite ADHD resources to help support and spread awareness!

163: We're Going Through some Changes
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about the show, embracing the transition to a more cogent ADHD focus moving forward.