Reconnect your Brain and Body with Art! Creative Care with Andrea Krakovsky and Shoshanah Blaiss
We explore the benefits of art therapy and how it can benefit those with ADHD with artist and creative care facilitator, Andrea Krakovsky, along with one of her clients who happens to be a member of the Take Control ADHD community.

408: Creating Through ADHD with Dani Donovan
We are gearing up for November here at The ADHD Podcast. November marks the start of national novel writing month, 30 days of fiendish exploration of words happening at keyboards around the world. But what happens if your brand of ADHD throws a wrench in your desire to create your masterpiece? This week on the show, illustrator and designer Dani Donovan joins us to talk about her creative process!

267: Explore Creative Tools to Beat ADHD Stress
If you browse the ADHD circles on social media, it won’t take long to find an inspirational meme describing how one of the many superpowers of those with ADHD is that they are generally more creative than those without. You might be more creative. You might not be creative at all. This week, we’re talking all about Pete’s favorite digital tools to make art, music, and video that anyone can do.