370: The Year-In-Review Listener Q&A!
We called for questions and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who wrote in — We hope we did your questions justice!

347: Do you have FOLI?
Do you have FOLI? Never heard of it? Don’t worry, we hadn’t either. But if you’re living with ADHD, once we tell you about “Fear of Losing Interest,” we’re pretty sure you’ll be able to relate.

340: Getting out of Autopilot
We’re going through the motions. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. Sure, there might be more to it than just that, but how much, really? Are you stuck in the trap of routine? Are you feeling stuck? Bored? Confused?

310: Burnout!
This week’s show is inspired by a listener struggling with burnout. On the job or at home, burnout impacts us all at some point in our lives. When you’re struggling with ADHD and facing burnout, the challenge comes when all your trusted accommodations and routines fly out the window. How do you find an anchor to stay grounded and focused on the positive?

165: Dealing with Boredom
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright offer ADHD-friendly tools and tips to beat boredom and stay engaged!