383: Diving in to Mind Mapping
What is it that makes mind maps such a unique tool, and what do you need to learn to make mind maps that allow you to capture quickly without overwhelm?

363: Practicing ADHD Strategies
Today on the show we’re talking all about the practice that comes with making change, and how you can turn that library of notes and resources into something you can manage — one new skill at a time.

361: The Margins of ADHD
We spend a lot of time building gates and systems to protect ourselves from distraction of ADHD. But, what might we be losing at the expense of saying No?

355: We're Wired for Distraction!
Yes, you know what ADHD does to your attention. But did you know that part of your distractibility might just be because you're ... human?

341: Using color to brighten up your ADHD
We’re getting colorful this week on the show! After a quick review of some cool emoji tools to take your charm AND organizational skills to a new level, we dig into chromotherapy and how you can use color to help sooth some of the challenges of ADHD.

336: Q&A — Overstimulation, hyper-focus, headphones, marriage and more!
We’re backing up on questions again! This week we’re taking a raft of your questions and have some tools, tips, products, and solutions you might try for all of them. From re-tuning your brain from overstimulation and hyper-focus, to marriage buckets, noise-canceling headphones and so much more!

327: Organizing What You Learn
You’re working hard to learn and grow, to discover new things and be a better person, right? But in that process, how do you catalog and internalize all things you’re learning so that you’ll be able to recall them later and use them when you need them most … even when you don’t know when that will be?

326: How do you choose ADHD-friendly tools?
After a great few weeks off, we're back to talk about how to find the best ADHD-friendly tools — plus new livestream!

308: Working Smarter at Your Computer with Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus
With his latest book, “Working Smarter for Mac Users,” Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus lets us in on a new chapter in his life — that he was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and that diagnosis fundamentally changed the way he approaches productivity at the computer.

281: The Five Mistakes to Avoid when Setting Goals
This week on the show, we’re talking about the five mistakes we make when we try to make change, and the give you suggestions to overcome them so that this time you make it stick and achieve your goals with gusto!

279: The Take Control ADHD Holiday Gift Guide!
It’s not too late! Even as this show hits your ears, there is still time to get out there and pick up that last minute gift. Whether you’re living with ADHD and you’re looking for ideas, or you’re seeking the perfect gift to engage the ADHD brain of someone you love, we’ve come up with a dozen ideas that aim to inspire!

276: Digital — Text Automation & ADHD: Clarity, Consistency, and Accuracy
From email to filling in forms to reports and more, even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, you likely work with more words than you would ever count. This week, we’re talking about how you can make yourself more efficient with the words you sling, and more consistent and accurate in spite of your ADHD, too.

271: Focus on the Elephant — The Evernote Update Show
We’re doing double duty on the show this week! Still celebrating ADHD Awareness Month AND celebrating the wonderful blog post that Evernote did with us, we decided that now is as good a time as any to review how we use Evernote as an organizing tool today, and how our use has changed over the years. The big take-away? TEMPLATES! We’ve included a few links from the Evernote blog below to demonstrate how to use pre-filled templates to help you get your work done. Our hope is that these links and our conversation inspire you to create your own templates to support your processes. Plus, Take Control ADHD templates for Evernote are coming soon!

267: Explore Creative Tools to Beat ADHD Stress
If you browse the ADHD circles on social media, it won’t take long to find an inspirational meme describing how one of the many superpowers of those with ADHD is that they are generally more creative than those without. You might be more creative. You might not be creative at all. This week, we’re talking all about Pete’s favorite digital tools to make art, music, and video that anyone can do.

231: Gifts for your ADHD Friends!
Tis the season to start thinking about the gifts that you can give your ADHD friends and family that can help relieve their stress. This week on the show, we have a digital episode that goes beyond — a list of tools, services, and toys that should ring all the right bells for your friendly ADHD compadre!

228: Conquer Overwhelm and Build Structure with these 6 Great Apps!
This week on the show, we’re talking about overwhelm, and the mindset and technology you’ll need to do less, but do it really well, and feel better about it!