Balancing Work, Life and ADHD
Finding balance between work and life is a challenge, I'm definitely a work in a progress. I have come to realize that sometimes it's not always going to be 50/50 and I'm at peace with that. I have also learned that sometimes you have to be a bit more intentional with your schedule. Read on to learn more...

5 Ways to Spark Creativity With ADHD
Believe it or not, not everyone with ADHD is born creative. For some, it’s a struggle and even if it’s not a struggle for you, there are still times where you may feel less inspired and creative. This week on the blog, I share five ways to spark your creativity and get those juices flowing again!

What are You Doing To Create More Fun in Your Life?
So often we feel guilty about playing, there is always something else that needs to get done. If we play, it just means we aren't doing enough. What if I told you that line of thinking is actually all wrong! Learn more about why play should actually come first!