234: Getting Started — Motivation & ADHD
ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright ADHD Symptoms Pete Wright

234: Getting Started — Motivation & ADHD

Today, a metaphor. You’re at the top of a hill. There’s a giant ball in front of you, held up by a rock. If you kick that rock, the ball will start rolling down the hill, picking up speed and racing on its way. But you’re struggling with your ADHD. So you look at the ball, you stare at it, and try as you might, you just don’t see the rock that you need to kick.

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232: The Power of Gratitude
ADHD Wellness Pete Wright ADHD Wellness Pete Wright

232: The Power of Gratitude

It's Thanksgiving here in the United States and while there is certainly some nod to history here around the founding of this special time in our country, it has come to mean something more than its historical context. It is a time of gratitude.

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225: 5 Tips to Study Smarter
ADHD Student Pete Wright ADHD Student Pete Wright

225: 5 Tips to Study Smarter

This week on the show, we relive our own college years and share some of the mistakes we made in our study habits, then share five key strategies for helping you find the focus and attention you’ll need to muster to succeed in your higher education!

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